Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summary ..

Mary Henrietta Kingsley was the first European to enter remote parts of Gabon. She like to study but circumstances did not allow her to study. She wrote the controversial book, "Travels in West Africa" work hard in her life. First West African Trip that she traveled inland from Guinea to what is now called Nigeria. Also she explored the lower Congo River. She was the first European to visit remote parts of Gabon and the French (published in 1897). Her final trip to South Africa in 1899, then she died on June 3, 1900.

Summary about Roald Amundsen

Roald Amundsen (July 16, 1872-June 22, 1928) was a Norwegian polar explorer who was the first person to fly over the North Pole in a dirigible (May 11-13, 1926) and was the first person to reach the South Pole.
Amundsen and his small expedition reached the South Pole on December 14, 1911, traveling by dog sled. near Oslo, Norway. As a teenager, he had been fascinated by the adventures of the explorer John Franklin, and wanted to be an explorer himself.
The North Magnetic Pole and the Northwest Passage,In 1899, Amundsen became a sea captain himself and organized an expedition to go to the North Magnetic Pole. In 1900, he bought a ship called the Gjoa. On June 16, 1903, with a crew of 6, Amundsen sailed from Oslo, Norway, around the south of Greenland, through Baffin Bay, and on to King William Island (in northern Canada), where they spent two years building two ships, an astronomical observatory, and a couple of huts. While on the island, the Netsilik Indians taught them Arctic survival techniques. During this time, they also mapped that frozen, island-studded area.
In 1904, Amundsen and his small crew continued on to the North Magnetic Pole, which had moved 30 miles since it was originally located by James Clark Ross in 1831. This was the first time that anyone had realized that the magnetic poles do indeed move. Finaly,Amundsen died in a plane crash in the summer of 1928, while attempting to rescue his friend Nobile, who had been lost in a dirigible crash in the Arctic.

Advertising Toothpaste

I like this advertising about tooth paste it show people to buy it.Also, it's anew advertising because it's cleaning teeth. In the vedio we have two personal they enjoyed together with bubbles and smell of the tooth paste is nice. ifelt very confartable and now i want to shop to buy it.

Story about woman with flowers

One day there was a old women sitting in a corner of the street and sells beautiful roses. Among the people in this street girl saw a sad old women selling roses and she went to it and she asked her about the reason for her grief. Then she decided to buy ten different colors roses and distributed to her friends. The old women was sad because many people didn’t buy the roses. Suddenly, the old women feeling happy because the girl who is buy the roses from her she told her friends about the reason for her grief . Then many people goes to her and buy roses. In the end, these old women has become famous in the sale of roses.

A champion at 14 !

Aid agencies concerned about Libya

The situation in Libya seems to be turning into a civil war. The allied countries that sent planes to bomb Gadaffi are realizing that it will not be so easy to get rid of him.
Ordinary people in towns like Misrata are suffering and many people have died. The main problem for humanitarian organizations is that they have no information about what is happening to the people.

Independent organizations need to be able to enter the country to give a proper account of the conditions on the ground. Libyan forces have agreed that aid agencies can enter the country but only Tripoli.

My quiz 3

My quiz 2

My quiz 1